Mini Essay

The State of Hygge versus the State of Elation

True Happiness is not about being the best.
being the smartest.
being the wealthiest.
being the wittiest.
being the most beautiful. 

We have this urge to elevate our status in all aspects of our lives.
This pursuit is the state of elation.
In the process of leveling up, we are bringing ourselves down.
The process is toxic, unsatisfying, and a downward spiral for all of us.

What is then a much more meaningful pursuit?
Hygge, a Danish word, has been defined in many ways.
My favorite definition is ‘the coziness of the soul.’ 

Rather than the state of elation, we can comfort our soul.
Create an environment of coziness and eventually true contentment.
You can be cozy with your work, your hobbies, passions, self, and all that. Be comfortable. But not complacent. 

How does one dig a little deeper than what I listed above?
Ask yourself two questions daily.
What is enough for you?
What is the sense of enough?
Strive for enough.
And if you surpass enough, then appreciate that you have more than enough. That’s contentment.

About the author

About the author

Bea Trinidad host a podcast about smarter love - Thirsty & Thirty. She is also the official storyteller of a culinary school, CCA Manila. She can help you with writing projects like a love story gift to your special someone or telling your company’s story.

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