Mini Essay

The Imperfect Power of Now

Working from home has given me the freedom to prepare my meals. I love eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. These moments are the only times in the day I can be present with such ease.
I usually have an idea of what I would like to eat, when hunger strikes.
But, this can change on a whim. I take my time to cook and just focus on the step by step.
When the food is ready, I chew mindfully and sit at home quietly.

With food, being present is no question.
But the rest of the day, being present can be deeply flawed.
Anxieties seep in. People come in and out even just through zoom calls.

How is it so easy to enjoy a bowl of pasta?
Yet, being present about the day is tough.

The uncertainty of the pandemic makes you want to crave more certainty.
We question everything. Rightfully So.

I recently finished reading The Power of Now.
And unlike the bowl of meatball spaghetti, I needed
More mental stamina to finish reading the book.

So here’s a few reminders that one can stick up in the fridge, the bathroom mirror to remind myself that although the power of now is imperfect.
It’s one worth working on, daily

° Time and pressures are human creations.
° Practice letting go. Don’t attach yourself to results.
° In every bad situation, you have three options— remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it.
° Keep in check daily on your emotional state.
° Smell the roses!
° Don’t search for love and friendship. Make room for it.
° Pay attention. Here and now.
° Nothing can grow forever.
° Be transparent.
° Your ego is not your identity.

When it comes to food, such as a bowl of meatball spaghetti, I don’t think too hard about it.
I know it will be good and I enjoy every moment of it.
The same should be said with everything that happens between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

About the author

About the author

Bea Trinidad host a podcast about smarter love - Thirsty & Thirty. She is also the official storyteller of a culinary school, CCA Manila. She can help you with writing projects like a love story gift to your special someone or telling your company’s story.

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